WEEKEND OPENING: Museum of Electrical Technology will be open on Saturday, April 5th, and Sunday, April 6th 2025, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (last entrance 5:00 PM).

For school groups: opening by appointment also in other times (write to



Monday to Friday, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm (Last entrance, 4:00 pm)

First weekend of the month: Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm (Last entrance, 5:00 pm).


Buy your ticket

Full price € 6,00
The full ticket gives you access to all the museums in the University Museums System within one month of your first visit. Are included: Kosmos – Museum of Natural History, the Botanical Garden, Museum for the history of the University.
More Info

Reduced price € 4,00
Young people 6-26 years old (University of Pavia students free of charge); Adults over 65 years old; School groups accompanied by a teacher; Groups of at least 10; University of Pavia staff; Members of the Associazione Amici dell’Orto Botanico; Teachers; Members of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies

Children 0-5 years old; University of Pavia students; Disabled visitors and one accompanier; Badged tour guides, accompaniers, and interpreters; Teachers accompanying school groups; Badged journalists; Members of the International council of museums (ICOM); Members of the Associazione Nazionale Musei Scientifici; Musei Lombardia/Valle d’Aosta annual membership/ticket holders

Annual ticket fot the museum € 15

Annual ticket for six museums of the University Museum System € 20

It is possible to buy ticket directly at the museum or online: vivaticket


Informations and booking for guided tours (groups or schools) are avaibles at the following link:

Please note that animals are not allowed in the museum.